Thursday, February 16, 2012


Another boring day in my life.Here is a quote
Boredom, after all, is a form of criticism.
Wendell Phillips

Boredom: the desire for desires.
Leo Tolstoy
Surprise Surprise. Two quotes.

Outside is gloomy.Wet and foggy.So I decided to look at Ellowyne dolls! They ARE rather in my mood right now.And I chose a doll that looks like me.SHE is blonde. Goodbye now.And I shall be sucked into the portal once again. WHOOSH!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Here we go.

I couldn't hold it in anymore.Or you could say "Let the cat out of the bag".WHATS THAT EVEN SUPPOSED TO MEAN. I mean like really if you put a cat in a bag then you might get ARRESTED.And when you let the cat out it would go all wild and seriously injure you.And kittys are so cute.Why would do that?People these days .Ok then.Moving on.I have released pictures of moi.Which I am exceedingly pleased with.I mean I bet I wasn't what you were expecting was I? Ok I hope to get feedback from you to tell me whether or not may make over is a plus or a minus.Oh and I might be getting a new hairstyle from and those are my options.So please tell me what ones I should use!!!!
l   l
'_ '    ( bunneh)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

About Me,Myself and I.

Hello World.
I am one of the first ever dolls of the Springfield Collection to be customized-and on the internet.Well not on the internet yet.That part is yet to come.So before I show you who I really am.Which will hopefully be soon.I am going to show you what I looked like when I arrived at my mom Abby's house (I understand that we are both named Abby).I look QUITE different now.

Well I hope to show you what I look like now soon.And then I can REALLY start customizing my blogger ...